Articles on
Pharmacy Design
"National Survey of Hospital Pharmacy Facilities Space
Allocations and Functions", (c) Alexander VB, Barker KN.,
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 1986
allocations for hospital pharmacies and the demand on
these facilities in terms of the external environment and
functions performed are described. A 12-page questionnaire
was sent in July 1982 to the chief pharmacists in a random
sample of 1846 hospitals in the United States stratified
by 10 hospital types.
respondents in each hospital type were categorized by
variables characterizing the external environment. The
mean total amount of existing pharmacy space was computed
for hospitals categorized by type and number of beds, and
the mean space per bed in nonprofit, for-profit, and
government (federal and nonfederal) hospitals was
compared. The mean space for specific pharmacy functions
was determined. The response rate was 45.6%, and the
respondents were representative of the population.
majority of all hospitals served only one building (67%)
and had no teaching affiliation agreement (63%).
Forty-eight percent of the hospitals administered
medications using medication nurses; another 48% used
primary or team nursing. There was little relationship
between the number of beds and total space allocated for
pharmacy facilities. Pharmacies had a mean of 6.9, 5.0,
7.0, and 10.6 gross square feet per bed, respectively, in
nonprofit, for-profit, nonfederal government, and federal
government hospitals. Space for selected pharmacy
functions in the three types of general medical-surgical
short-term hospitals are described.
studies examining the relationships between space and
other variables described in this article are needed to
explain apparent differences in the amount of space
allocated to the pharmacy department among hospital types. |